The M+M Sample: Surveying the Circumgalactic Medium of Simulated Dwarf Galaxies
Dwarf galaxies are uniquely sensitive to energetic feedback processes, given their shallow potential wells. Feedback mechanisms, such as supernovae (SNe), can eject metal-enriched material out of the galaxy and into the circumgalactic medium (CGM) or even beyond the halo entirely. Thus, the CGM around dwarf galaxies and its metal content is likely to be a powerful tool in further understanding the evolution of low-mass galaxies and improving SN feedback models. However, there is a limited pool of both observations and pertinent theoretical work analyzing the CGM around dwarf galaxies. To address this gap in current research, I utilize a sample of 64 isolated simulated dwarf galaxies from the high-resolution, fully-cosmological Marvel-ous Dwarfs (Munshi et al. 2021) and Marvellous Merians simulations. I investigate the agreement between synthetic column densities and observed values as well as the metal content and temperature composition of the CGM around the simulated dwarf galaxies. Leveraging these conclusions, we hope to advance our understanding of how the CGM of dwarf galaxies can be used to better model low-mass halos and inform us of their evolution. In addition, this work provides theoretical benchmarks for future observations targeting the CGM around dwarf galaxies.
More to come soon!